The Mouse 3
About this project

Next sequel in The Mouse series from 1999 increases the level of craft to new heights and for me personally this is probably the most comprehensive game I've ever made. The game itself is quite similar to the legendary Commander Keen games from the not-less-legendary John Carmack and his Id Software and it doesn't try to hide it. The game contains 4 environments, each with 4 levels, that is 16 levels altogether, with quite a high difficulty, but also a lot of fun.
The game is available only in Czech language.
Note: To be able to run the game on Linux you need the SDL library and working OpenGL graphics acceleration.
Comments » add
[1] pavel wrote:
hra themouse3 je dobrá.
[2] Ondra (web) wrote:
@pavel: Díky. Moje oblíbená
[3] tomas wrote:
je to dobra hra